Do We Have an Adequate Supply of Food to End World Hunger?

More than 821 million people face chronic hunger on this planet. This is equivalent to one in nine people. The vast majority of us are able to go to the grocery store to pick from a variety of fresh produce, but this is not the case for others, who scavenge to find food every day, satisfied as to at least only having one meal. When we face hunger we have easy access to food just by the closeness of our fingertips. For others, hunger is defined as a condition in which a person does not meet basic nutritional requirements due to not eating an adequate supply of food. When one faces chronic hunger, the appetite may not be the only thing that can be affected. Aspects such as malnutrition, stunted growth, the risk of babies being born prematurely, and stomach and headaches play major roles in affecting a person’s hunger drastically. People not too far away from us face hunger, such as homelessness along the streets of downtown, but there are also other locations including third world countries. A country such as Sub-Saharan Africa contains 22.7% of the world’s population who face the growing risk of hunger. The Caribbean holds 17.7%, Southern Asia:14.4%, Southeastern Asia: 11.5%, and Western Asia: 10.6%. It is quite clear that we are all aware of this growing problem of world hunger. There have been many organizations that have already raised this concern and have reduced world hunger by a tremendous amount. It has now only come to the question: Do we actually have an adequate supply of food to solve this problem of growing world hunger? 

“We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry.” – Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States. With this growing concern of world hunger, organizations have helped to reduce it by 50 percent since 1979. Although the world produces one-half times enough food to feed every individual in this world, many of these people are already in a state of poverty, in which they simply do not have enough money to even purchase it in the first place. They also lack such resources to buy food, and many places lack basic nutrition. There is nowhere for them to process or supply the food that is being made. For example, in India, harsh chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are used for farming, which consequentially leads to soil degradation. This slows growth for crops and creates health issues. Which pushes many of these farmers into debt. With this being a concern, it gives emphasis to the fact that although there is a supply of accessible food for the world, the majority of these individuals would just not be able to access it due to geographical locations and poverty issues that ultimately lead to their hunger.

As mentioned before, a vast number of the global organization has helped slow the spread of hunger, one of the largest that have been introduced by the United Nations include World Food Programme(WFP), it has helped over 86.7 million people all across the world who struggle to find an adequate food source. It works to provide aid to over 83 countries around the globe. WFP acts as an emergency responder in which it supplies food with 5600 trucks, 20 ships, and 92 planes. An abundance of organizations helps strive to improve the circumstances of the world including, Bread of the World, a collective Christain organization based in the United States; Care, an organization dedicated to ending poverty and protecting the dignity of people; Action Against Hunger, finds ways to treat hunger and malnutrition all over the world; and more.

In conclusion: “There are genuinely sufficient resources in the world to ensure that no one, nowhere, at no time, should go hungry.” – Ed Asner, actor and social activist. To answer the question: Do We Have an Adequate Supply of Food to End World Hunger? The answer comes down to yes. That there is actually enough food to feed this world, but with the circumstances that some people are put in, they are not able to get access to this food source, which leads to their starvation in the first place. Organizations are ultimately the only way to help stop the growing issue. So the next time that we are quick to throw away a piece of food, we should think back to the people around the world who long to see even a bit of bread.


  1. What Is Food Insecurity in America?
  2. Polsky, Jane Y., and Heather Gilmour. “This Study Assessed the Association between Household Food Insecurity and Self-Perceived Mental Health Status and Anxiety Symptoms among Canadians in the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Food Insecurity and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Government of Canada, Statistics Canada, 16 Dec. 2020,
  3. “Malnutrition.” Johns Hopkins Medicine,,healthy%20tissues%20and%20organ%20function.
  4. “World Hunger: Key Facts and Statistics 2021.” Action Against Hunger, 7 May 2021,
  5. Project, Borgen. “10 Quotes on World Hunger.” The Borgen Project, Borgen Project Https://, 15 Apr. 2016,,million%20children%20die%20through%20malnutrition.
  6. Owen, Jasmine. “World Hunger: Facts & How to Help.” World Vision Canada, Organization, 23 July 2020,’’s%20one%20in%20every%20nine%20people%20on%20the%20planet.
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March 15th

March 15, 2020

None of us knew what to think. In my 16 years of life, it had come to be my first encounter with something that can be so deadly. My expectations were to go back to school like we always have been. I treated March fifteenth like any other day, but a little more different because it had been my sister’s birthday, more specifically her thirteenth birthday party. She had been extremely excited about this day and every day for possibly a month, she made sure to mention it in some way. At the same time, I was thinking about an upcoming assessment that I had to study for, but my mind had been someplace else. I focused my attention more on my sister, who was celebrating a new year with a new age. I remember quite vividly the items we had bought the day before the party such as paper plates, plastic spoons and forks, and the cake. When we went out for these items the stores seemed to have been very chaotic and busier than ever before, it was clear that there was panic shopping occurring that day because of the uncertainty we all had in ourselves. I remember there had been a mass number of people at the stores that we had gone to; it was also extremely loud. Everybody tried to separate themselves from each other, cautious as to what disease may be lingering in the air or what the person may hold. Very few of us were unaware of the idea of wearing a “mask”. I tried my best to make sure that I did not touch my face, as if one wrong move, everything would turn into chaos, carts had also been stacked up high with food-like peaks of mountains.

Everything had been laid perfectly on the table, and the various colours of balloons were scattered aesthetically on the carpeted floor. Despite having cold snowy days in March that day had been quite warm like summer. The bright sun had been shining through the window, and everything was vibrant and joyous. It seemed like there was nothing to worry about despite what we all heard on the news.

1 PM. The time when every one of my sister’s friends began to come into the room. I had been the host of that party. Making sure I received the gifts and put them in a secluded area. I took pictures and watched as they smiled at the flashing lights of the camera. Every smile was masked due to the uncertainty of tomorrow especially because we did not know what the next day would hold. We decided to focus on the moment that was ahead of us now. I made sure to host the activities that were going on, such as playing card games, dance parties, and balloon fights. I made sure to capture every one of those moments, and I was also the one to prepare the meals, such as the pizza and cake we were about to eat. I set the different kinds of candy, such as the rainbow ropes, strawberry sweets, and bubble gum on the table like a buffet. It truly got everyone excited. Many cokes were also set on the table, and I watched it slowly disappear every time I came back to refill a bowl full of snacks. A little part of me was still thinking of the test that I had to write for the next day, but I could not bring myself to put my mind into it. Deep down in my heart, I had a feeling that we would not be going back to school tomorrow, maybe that was why I did not take it too seriously. The day had seemed to be so long. The sun slowly begins to set, as I finally take the opportunity to begin studying. Something quickly catches my eye as I turn on my tablet. I take a quick glimpse at the notification, something about school, but I am not really paying attention. I plug in my password and head to the course material that I am to study. 

A few moments later, I remember my brother coming into the room to break the news to me, I was already anticipating the message that was coming from his mouth. This was when I knew the world had begun to fall into shambles; It began to break like glass, and there was nothing to do to solve the problem, but hope for the best and expect to be back in school after spring break. Even though I expected something like this to happen, it still took me some time to process because never in my life have I been told not to come to school. I must have not been the only one surprised by this circumstance because the phone that was sitting just next to me on my dining table, began to buzz uncontrollably. We were glad that we did not have to attend another day of school. I also realized that I no longer had to study for my upcoming test and a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was only now relaxed and I was able to do the things that I would not have done when the school had been taking place such as cleaning up and vacuuming the cluster of my messy room. My sister’s friends had still been at the party when we got the news, and it was soon time for them to leave and go home, we discussed the uproar of sudden events that had just occurred, and once they left my sister never saw them again because the next year, she went to a new school.

We all now know that this never seemed to happen and a year later we are still waiting and seeing to fight off this pandemic. Every time the cases seem to be low again, it only uproars to an even stronger wave that never goes away. We were once all excited and scared. Happy that we got an extended break from school, and sit through another boring class, but little did we know that we would take that all for granted once we realized that we could no longer see the majority of our friends ever again. I realized that I never got to say goodbye to the friends I made in the graduating class of 2020. I would never get to sing in the afterschool classes where I made so many friends and everything now just seems like a distant memory. I was hopeful in pursuing goals for track and field, but I never got the chance to participate in the track and field season.

The week after spring break turned into three months, only to experience what was supposed to be the escape of summer, but turned into long, sultry days sitting alone isolated in our homes.

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Piano Boredom- Personal Narrative

My eleven year old self after school drove along the backseat with my brother and sister, my mom sitting in the passenger seat, and my dad driving. I was going to attend my first piano tutorial to see if I was going to pursue it as lessons in the future. As I gazed out the car’s window passed the small houses that all looked very similar, I could see the variety of colours seen in the warm, summer sky. Colours of purple, pink, and orange spread along the vast area of it with crystal clear clouds to contrast the warm feelings of summer. The drive along the way was smooth and quick as it had only taken about five minutes to get to the tutorials from my house, we drove through the parking lot and parked in front of a light brown building . My young self looked a long way up the tall building observing the white letters, Sonata School of Music, attached below the windows that were spread in a straight line.


I pulled open the glass door and went through an alley of stairs, the lights were dark and flickering. I already began feeling butterflies fluttering in my empty stomach, and nausea quickly began to form. In my head I began to form many questions such as: “What if I embarrass myself in front of all these people trying for tutorials with me?” and “What if I do something extremely wrong or stupid?”. I tried my best to throw away those thoughts because I thought I was being sill. As we went up the gloomy staircase it quickly turned into a glowing and cheerful hallway, a sigh of relief washed over me. The windows that I had seen from the outside had lit up the open doors that led to the different rooms of varying music from drums to guitars. Posters of encouragement were taped along the bright yellow walls and the parents of other children standing and leaning against it. Both my brother and sister went in first to the piano room with buzzing children and cheerful teachers. I waited anxiously for my siblings to finish their tutorial that had lasted for approximately fifteen minutes, performing their skills really well despite their lack of knowledge in playing the piano. The butterflies in my stomach had flown away and I had forgotten all my fears in coming here.


When my turn approached to play the piano I felt confident with myself when observing the techniques and skills used by my siblings. I came into the brightly lit room with pianos in a set of two rows perfectly aligned. Piano music books were propped neatly on top of the stands and the name Yamaha was engraved in gold. I sat down on the black, cushioned, long chair closest to the door of the room that I had entered in. children of various sizes and parents began to gradually fill the room. My chest kept continuously, pounding harder and harder for the anticipation to play and show off skills that I thought I new based on what I saw from my siblings. Since this was just a tutorial and I was young, parents were supposed to help you navigate the keys and help with instructions if we needed help. That confidence washed away and I now began to feel the pressure of doing well because I really wanted to learn and master a new instrument. The instructor came into the front of the room and told us what keys to play along with the song that was selected for us to play with the piano. I felt a mix of emotion because I immediately became confused as I fixed my attention to the keys. They looked all the same but only one could be the right one for us to play. As I had my mother help me that confusion had turned into frustration, I did not want help because I wanted to show that I was good at something that I had never tried. I frequently insisted to her that it was not the right key because she had never played the piano either and I thought she was wrong but the instructor from the front of the room had said she was right. I was really disappointed since I thought I knew what I was doing but instead I became really impatient.


Everything we were taught, I was not in love with. I was continuously bored and was daydreaming a lot of things especially like what I could be doing rather than sitting in that room. I could be sleeping, eating, or playing outside in the breezy summer air. My eyes kept wandering to different objects around the room that were not relevant to the setting of the piano room like passed the outside of the doors to the clear windows, a reminder of all the things that I could be doing outside like riding my bike and playing with my friends. Although the tutorials were only about approximately twenty minutes for my age group playing the piano, it felt like an hour and eventually the clock ticked to the end of the time of the tutorials and it was finally done.


Leaving the room I had thoughts of never pursuing piano as a skill not because I did not show much interest in it, but because I thought I was going to be good at  it which was a mistake. I went through the brightly lit hallway, down the dim stairway, and opened the glass door towards the parking lot. The sky had turned navy blue, and stars high above. The moon was from clear sight with all the clouds from during the day that had vanished. From afar I could see the silhouettes of the evergreen trees and the rocky terrain with it. I were disappointed but I knew what I wanted and it was not piano. At that time I did not have a specific talent that defined who I was.


Not even a week of this day happening, I was observing the intricate shapes and designs my friend had been drawing. She had been creating drawings of people and with their own hints of personalities, with different styles of clothing, hair, and faces. That was when I knew there was more to art than just making flat faces with no dimension, but 3 dimensional heads and the body looking like a realistic figure. I thought this was a way to find a new sense of creativity other than learning the piano. To this day I realize that wanting to learn one passion that did not go as planned will sometimes turn into a better one that may still affect you today and possibly in the future. This is exactly what had happened to me.

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