Writer’s Seminar 2021

The Broken Heart of A Wife

”Wife”  by Ada Limon Writer’s Seminar Emulation :

“Housewife, fishwife, bad wife, good wife”

These are all the qualities that they say are in a wife.

The expectations climb high and no one worries to even blink an eye.

She is numb to the cold that swirls around her in spirals.

Everything is out of reach.

Everyone is blinded to her selfless and ambitious nature.

Her head is held down low, while words of aggression come hurtling towards her.

Despite all this,

She cooks all meals,

Provides for her children,

and scrubs every spot, until it feels clean,

just like her heart and soul that have been ripped in shreds for years.

Some often look at all the imperfections of a wife,

but in reality, all the good qualities are:



and the Support she gives to all.

For this emulation, in relation to Ada Limon’s poem called “Wife”, I decided to take the approach of listing all the good qualities of a wife, instead of the poor ones that she had included in hers. I believe this poem uplifts women who are often in terrible situations in their own marriage. Often their hearts can be fixed if we all come to recognize all their good qualities that some may fail to see.

I also mentioned everything that a wife often provides to others whether it be from within her family, or outside. A wife can often have a bright, warming, and large heart for others, but when those pieces break, they are in dark places, and it is difficult to mend those pieces back together.

Featured Image Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/two-takes-depression/201202/broken-heart-syndrome-its-real-and-its-rough