About Me 2021

I am Mariam, a heart’s desire…

I feel the pound of it getting louder, like the progression of my voice.

The words roar like they are climbing over the spike of a tall mountain.

My ambitions fly high, further into the depths of my future. 

I concentrate long and hard on the contemplations of my dreams.

My fingers trace delicately along with the luminous stars, as I am one to focus on what lies ahead.

I shy away from the rain that trickles down the paned windows, as I tend to face away from sadness.

My brown eyes flash as they hit the brightness of the sun. 

The shadow of my tall body lays on the spikes of the long green grass.

A sense of adventure fills me, as my curiosity gets the best of me.


I am Mariam, beloved…

My soul becomes lighter with every touch I give away to the moon and stars.

Silence and the sounds of unwanted voices sweep past me.

I refuse the noises of hatred and only spread my admiration further across.

The feelings of nostalgia spread quickly in my heart, the sudden memories of my past.

The memories are apparent as I vividly imagine myself as a child.

Fascinated by the rivers and streams. Small rocks that would be added to my collection.

I am continuously pushing myself further beyond my limits, above any horizon.

Wonders spread across my mind.

Musical notes run smooth like a stream through my ears.


I am Mariam, a yellow diamond…

A bright gem evoking a sense of optimism and cheerfulness.

I watch the white dandelions bloom effortlessly in the wind, 

With a few huffs and blows, the small seeds sprinkle among the long grass.

I remember the innocence that lay close ahead,

Chalk scattered on top of the sidewalk, as we drew a game of hopscotch.

Every day we played tag, as the sun would set.

Every day we begged for our parents to let us go outside. 

We laughed, and I continue to ponder on those days.

A small story of my life, I present to you my passions, a sense of nostalgia, and my curiosities. When I read this poem, a slight sense of comfort seems to fill my face, as I believe it portrays the person that I am today, and who I was in the past. I have seen the progression of my words, from the start of grade ten till now. I believe that in each line, I describe myself strongly, and with the repetition of the words, “I am Mariam”, it fully emphasizes who I am as a person, and the recognition of my name to anyone that is reading my piece. I use specific adjectives that describe who I am, such as, “a heart’s desire”, “beloved”, and “a yellow diamond”.

My poem builds on the idea of my quote: “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” by the author Charlotte Brontë, in the novel Jane Eyre. I am one to describe myself as an independent individual. I believe in the idea of freedom, and that no one person can tie me down from letting me attain my goals. In my starting lines, I mention: “I feel the pound of it getting louder, like the progression of my voice”. Every day I try to break free from my own voice and to become my true self. I often tend to choose my words carefully, conscious of what others would think of me. With time, I have realized that I want to be more approachable and build a sense of confidence, as this would be very beneficial to me in the real world. 

For my theme, I chose a light blue pastel color that fades into white at the top right corner of the page. Light blue is a beautiful color with so much meaning, and I thought it really tied my blog together. Light blue gives a peaceful, calming color. It also promotes the feelings of tranquility, upon first looking at its color, which is the impression that I want to give when one approaches to look at my blog for the first time.

As a blogger, my goal is to add more optional pieces of writing to this blog. I want to be able to display this to my peers and anyone else who comes across my page. In the future, I want to be able to see an endless amount of the writing that I have done and to look back on it. I believe that this will also help me improve as a writer, as it gives me practice and an opportunity for others to help comment and critique my work.

Featured Image Source: https://giphy.com/explore/dandelion


6 thoughts on “About Me 2021

  1. Hi Mariam!

    Your poetry beautifully portrayed yourself and what you value in life. It even filled *me* with a pleasant sense of nostalgia. And if your writing can evoke such emotion to a reader, it is definitely worth the read, I was fascinated by your descriptive word choice and pleased by your ability to bring back child-like memories. I’m glad you touched on the reasoning behind the aesthetics of your blog and the meaning behind the quote as well.

    It looks like years of creative writing in the past have paid off because this was a 10/10 to me Mariam!

    -Tanya 🙂

    • Dear Tanya,

      Thank you for taking the time to read my piece! I appreciate much of the insight being given, and I am glad that you enjoyed it.


  2. Dear Mariam,
    Overall, I enjoyed reading your piece. The repetition of “I am Mariam” within the poem section really provided the connection between your three stanzas. I loved how you inserted the page break to separate the poem from the paragraphs. The way you directly elaborated on your theme choice reasoning really brought more connection within this piece. You clearly communicated that feeling of nostalgia from your childhood and integrated it into your writing.

    As for feedback, I have nothing. You are an outstanding writer and I want to share your work with others. Overall, your work was excellent, and I hope to explore your writing more as you become a terrific writer!

    Yours Truly,


    • Dear Amal,

      Thank you for taking the time to read my piece! I am very pleased to see that you enjoyed my writing.


  3. Hello Mariam

    The imagery you used in this poem was so amazing. You are so right when you said you choose your words very carefully, because everything you wrote about was perfectly aligned with your idea of freedom and not being stuck in a cage. I knew that you did creative writing in the past but I never knew how good you were at it. Your poem felt professional, like something we would read and respond to in English class.
    I really enjoyed the context that you wrote about at the end. After learning so much from your poem I got the chance to find even more insight about you. Thank you for being so honest and open about yourself. Your poem was so awesome and vivid to read.

    • Dear Ethan,

      I am glad that you enjoyed my piece! Thank you for taking the time to read through it, and I appreciate the insight that has been given.


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